Sunday, 7 July 2019

Inner Wisdom

There is something within your bones
There is a secret whisper 
Blowing and coming 



It brings you stillness
It gives you inner peace
You always dreamt of 

It touches your essence 
The core of all wisdom 
The seat of your inner throne 

Into its flow

Whom do you think you touch
Whom do you think you hear
Whom do you think you feel 

How do you invoke the Universe
How do you recognize your guides

All is within your heart

Monday, 17 June 2019

Tranquil Fruition

Ornament in gold 
Ripples behind 
The sheet of water
You watch 
You dive
You cleanse 
You observe 
Your breath
And you fall into 
Blissful chill  
For this moment
For this split second
Worked for so long 
Is your soul 

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Secret Plan

The Moon in Her peak
And you with the air of change
How do you transform yourself? 
Looking into the map of your heart
Your Road
Your Path

Is it the right way
To enter the will of your higher self 
Or is it better to enter a smooth breath
Is there any rule 
Is there any other requirement 
To understand all moves
All appearances

. . . 
Back to silent & empty chart
You start  one more time
L i s t e n i n g
You create what is written
For your lifetime
No need to hurry
No need to rush

Your dreams 
Your hopes 
In perfect flow
They show up
And you know what is wrong 
And what is right  

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Arrival of the Prophecy

I asked Her how to find your heart
How to enter your soul
And just like that

With my blind eyes
Yet my open heart
Waiting for the sign 
I gave a deep sigh

Like a thunder
Like a hurricane 
Like a tidal wave 
You came 

And then 
S I L E N C E 
Deep peace
Fulfilled wish 

I knew 
I trusted 
I realized 
It was only a matter of time 

And you are
You simply are
. . . 

Monday, 20 May 2019

Serpent Emergence

And you look into his eyes
And you feel his shhh
His tongue
His charm
And you bow to ancient times
Sensual bliss
All of this from his wise arrival
And you ask
How do I change
How do I act
I move in velvet clouds
Like the other side
Where transformation is taking place
And I am back 
To my land
To my mundane life
Your real influence
Your true gaze
Is your soul
Do you know
Do you feel
. . . 

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Forgotten Yearning

how would that be 
if you knew the truth of bitter past 
how would you react 
if you joined the mystic path 
how would your life be continued


your ancient karmic debt released 
your dark feminine depth unchained 
you move
sensual steps

you open your heart to wild nature 
you remember the beating melody
your soul breathing freedom 

and you sip this feeling 
and you howl loudly 
you drink it in
you drink it out 


you invite brand new fire 
into your life 

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Secret Intimation

Hoo-ha in your mind
Gropingly looking for clarity
Vexatious sound 
Like adjustment
Rushing the wave
Stay and observe
Abrupt whoofing
Wild animal
What does it want
A s k 
Such freedom 
The power of NOW
Don't look back
You will know the truth
Coming through the speech 
of your inner breath 
So perfectly understood
Mist that brings
The disclosure of the unknown fact

Sunday, 31 March 2019

Longed-for Returning

Blending thoughts
C o u r a g e

I want you to bounce
Into familiar revival
I know that it was a long time
Since you felt the family touch

They are
Your being
Your heart

Stay brave
Stay strong 
Stay valiant

They are aware 
Of your power given back 
With the magic breath
Feel transformed
Feel well

You are admired 
You are assisted
Gentle touch
And you step 
One more time 
Into well known 
L a n d

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Delightful Treasure

you brought the most pleasurable 
peace into my heart 
you whispered with golden hue of 
eternal wisdom and charm 

I sashay in the garden of eternal life
the trees gently brush my skin in delight 
I know how to move 
I know how to step
each and every pace with you

through fire
in fire
I am allowed to show the presence
of the will of your mind

your wisdom is beyond all 
your eyes are patient and wise
I adore the way you teach
you guard
you are
your everlasting allurement

please stay this way
stay like that

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Unexpected Exchange

I ask you why you disappeared at the moment 
I created your most beautiful presence
You marked my soul and you just left

You asked me to shine
To don't be afraid
To know that I am safe
To know that the way I radiate
It truly affects the others 

You came to me through your 

I found you in 
the susurrus of blooming trees
I found you in 
the garden of inner tenderness  
and you are again 
I am delighted 
I am enchanted 
I am giving my acknowledgment 

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Secret Touch

I ask you for help 
How to ground 
My body and heart at once 
I ask you for advice
How to live in the full moment of NOW

I declare to follow your steps
If I can
If this is safe

You know me so well
You know my breath
You know my way

To see clearly 
To see clairvoyantly
To see precisely 

Leave this fear
Leave this hesitational thing 
Just  l e a v e 

Observe nature
Observe the signs
All is given for us
To live in unison with our-higher-self
All is within 
And nothing is without

Saturday, 2 March 2019

The Affair of Caterpillar

if I tell you that there is something 
knocking within my head

then I try to remember what is left from 
the last time you were with me 
t h e r e

I come back and flow 
with the windblown thoughts 
behind the scenes 
of what is real and what was gone
just like that 

if I tell you that all these past episodes 
are still alive and they are beating
b e a t i n g
within the heart, painful sometimes
how much embraced the history 
of what is true 
of what is that fact

and now I ask -- how?
how it affects us
affects our life 

breathe and know 
that the answers will come 
will be revealed 
in the most unanticipated time

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Sweet Surrender

tumultuous questions
burden your mind
even more
one more time

clinging to the hope
of stoic peace
blending the choices
what now
. . .
t r u s t 
your higher will
speak to your heart
open the vision of truth

there is only one winner
there is only one result
your inner guidance
the queen of your life

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Pouring Blast

in the most unexpected moment
the most profound t o u c h 
soul has blown with its sound
ready to announce c h a n g e 

open your heart 
it starts from the ground 
twining like the ivy around the pillar
whispering t r u s t
strong and grounded
your p a t h 
you live and create
the dreams of your dreams 

do you realize?
how far you can link up 
with the source of all that is 
within and without 

as a magic mirror the reality 
 you mold
you design
and manifest at once