Tuesday 19 May 2020

Alchemical Glory

See the Spider
See him falling down 
From your upper back 
He reaches your hip right
The Web of Eternal Life

His Web reveals itself
From your ground 
To the middle part
And up to the crown 

You are in a mystic place 
Magician's Atelier 
The time is moving
Left and right
Right and left
It sucks you to the other side
With your being whole 
You travel to the passage 
of Unknown 
You put your hands 
In a golden ornament 
You feel so bright 
Suddenly you see a bookcase 
Looking for something special
It looks familiar to your heart
You find 
In purple and black
Book of Life 
. . . 

And back 
You are back to your room 
Focusing on the right hip
Which shapes surprisingly
G a l a x y
All within your body
All within
. . . 

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